We hope to impact over 10 million people by 2030 through

Cross-cutting themes like building resilience, inclusive governance, and gender trans-formative change are layered into all the programs, across each sector. We focus on developing the potential of marginalized women and girls to drive equitable changes through programs that deliver quality healthcare, inclusive education, gender equitable and sustainable livelihood opportunities, and disaster relief and preparedness.

Relief and Responce



Prevention & Mitigation


We work to improve the access to quality healthcare services for the poor and marginalised communities. By identifying the root causes of healthcare challenges, we work at the individual, community, and systemic levels to develop innovative solutions and help implement quality healthcare services. The ambit of our work includes improving of maternal and reproductive health, child health and nutrition, and early identification and treatment of communicable diseases.


Our programmes and projects work through building learning ecosystems that are inclusive, gender conscious, and safe for all. Our education initiatives work in accordance with the Right to Education Act (2009) and National Education Policy 2020.


Our Livelihood mandate works with the women engaged in smallholder agriculture, small businesses or employed as farm or non-farm labour. Implementing a range of innovative initiatives, we help women build secure and resilient livelihoods and climb out of poverty permanently. The key approaches adopted in livelihood sector initiatives include capability enhancement, asset building, collectivisation, inclusive value chain development and engagement of men and other influential actors.

Animal Protection

A great way to continue helping farmed animals daily is to eat more plant foods and fewer animal proteins. The immense scale at which we are producing and consuming meat today has negative implications on our health and the planet.


We donate beverages to WellAware, an Indian-based non-profit Foundation. Runfree Foundation Waters donates enough money to provide one person with a safe water source for the rest of their life.


We donate beverages to WellAware, an Indian-based non-profit Foundation. Runfree Foundation Waters donates enough money to provide one person with a safe water source for the rest of their life.